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Welcome to Term 6

Topaz Class

Teachers: Mrs Wright (M Tu W) and Mrs Bradshaw (Th F)
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Inkpen

Opal Class

Teacher: Mrs Patterson
Teaching Assistant: Ms Jimenez

Term 6 Topic: Invaders and Raiders

Our Big Question for the term is 'Were the Vikings always vicious and victorious?' We will focus our learning on the arrival of the Vikings in Britain, exploring their beliefs and ways of life, comparing this to the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons. As part of our launch for this term, we will be making Viking longboats, as well as visiting our Forest school to practise Viking 'cooking'.

Our PE takes place on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings again this term. We will build our athletics skills ready for our Sports day in June and also our rounders skills. We will be outside as often as possible, so please make sure that your child comes in to school in the correct kit. Please also ensure that long hair is tied back, and that earrings are removed. 

Our English learning for this term:

We will focus our learning around a range of different text types linked to our Invaders and Raiders theme. We will begin the term by looking at a poem by Pie Corbett called Beware of Dragons. We will continue to look at different dragon poems before ending the term writing short stories based on the book Arthur and the Golden Rope.

Reading is the key to success!

Children will be expected to read most nights in the week for at least 10 minutes. Please record how your child has got on with their book in your child's reading record. This might include their understanding of the vocabulary used; how they inferred a character's emotions or actions; or even a prediction made based on what had already been read.


We will begin this term by continuing to expand our understanding of the durations of time. We will then revisit our understanding of shape from Year 2, introducing angles, parallel and perpendicular lines, and learning how to accurately draw shapes. We will then focus on statistics, exploring the different types of graphs used to represent data. We will end the school year revisiting addition and subtraction strategies, particularly the column method and bridging to the next multiple of 10.

Throughout the term, we will continue to practise our 3, 4 and 8 times tables, introducing the 6 times tables at the start of term. Please continue to practise your 3, 4 and 8 times tables, along with reviewing your 2, 5 and 10s.

We place great importance on learning and practising our timetables.  To aid us, the children are encouraged to use Times Tables Rock Stars and will engage in multiplication challenges games daily. Please click on the link below to access Times Table Rock Stars.

Home Learning


Your child’s weekly home learning will consist of:

• Daily reading (to be recorded in Reading Records)

• Times table practice (Times Table Rock Stars website linked above)

• Spellings/Phonics 

Useful Links

Below, you can find a number of useful links to help support your child's learning:

Useful Links

  • Doorway Online
    Doorway Online is a collection of free and highly accessible educational games.
  • Phonics Play
    You may log in with the following details: username: jan21 password: home
  • Small Town Superheroes
    You’ll need to use your English skills to help the heroes complete all the missions.
Topic Web

Our Termly Topic Web outlines how the topic of the term will play into each subject. It acts to outline what will be studied across the curriculum in the term. Our current Topic Web can be found below and as an attachment: