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Local Academy Board

Governing Body Composition

The constitution for the Local Academy Board is:

Headteacher, up to 2 parent governors, up to 2 staff governors and up to 5 co-opted governors. 

The quorum shall be 3 governors or, where greater, any one-third (rounded up) of the total number of governors of the LAB.

The Local Academy Body of Thames View Primary School

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

  • Leanna Rogers (Head of School)
  • Barbara Fincham (Trust Appointed - Chair of Governors)
  • Mrs P Emerick (Trust Appointed)
  • Mr P Dadson (Trust Appointed - Vice-Chair of Governors)
  • Sukjinder Tiwana (Trust Appointed)
  • Robert Baker (Trust Appointed)
  • Natalie Jarrett (Parent)
  • Cindy Flynn (Staff)
  • Andrew Wykes (Staff)

Terms of Reference for our Local Academy Board can be found here.

For details of the Members and Directors of The Howard Academy Trust please click here.

Diversity Indicators

A link to our 2023-2024 THAT Governance Diversity Indicators can be found here.


The Local Academy Board will meet at least 3 times a year and otherwise as required.

Members of the Local Academy Board will have at least seven clear days’ notice of the meeting and its agenda, except in the case of an emergency meeting.

The agenda and minutes will be produced by the Clerk to Governors and made available to all members of the Local Academy Board via Governor Hub.

A copy of the minutes, apart from confidential items, will be available in the school office for inspection by parent/carers and staff.

Name Relevant Business & Pecuniary Interests
(including governance roles in other education institutions )
Attendance record at meetings for the academic year ('22-'23)
Leanna Rogers (Head of School)
Appointed: 01/09/22
Membership: NEU 3 of 3
Barbara Fincham (Trust Appointed)
Appointed: 27/02/23
Temple Mill Primary: Chair/Trust Appointed Governor
Robert Napier School: Governor - Vice Chair, Welfare and SG Lead
Schools Forum Member
Phoenix Primary School: Governor - SG Lead
Independent Review Panel and Admissions Appeal for KCC
2 of 2
Paul Dadson (Trust Appointed)
Appointed: 03/09/23

Director of School Improvement: Employee
Rivermead Solutions: Director

2 of 3
Sukjinder Tiwana (Appointed)
Appointed: 19/01/23
Alethia Academy Trust: Employee
National Association Headteachers: Member
2 of 2
Robert Baker (Appointed)
Appointed: 30/01/23
Friend of Owen McColgan
2 of 2
Patricia Emerick (Trust Appointed)
Appointed: 02/05/23
Temple Mill Primary School: Trust Appointed Governor
1 of 1
Natalie Jarrett (Parent)
Appointed: 01/12/23
Employment: OSB Group PLC
Membership: MCIPD
Cindy Flynn (Staff)
Appointed: 16/11/23
None Declared N/A
Andrew Wykes (Staff)
Appointed: 16/11/23
None Declared N/A
Owen McColgan (Accounting Officer/CEO THAT) Medway Academy of Performing Arts 
(Partner from 03/01/2020) 
Inspiring Change MAT 
(Member from 12/12/2018) 
Featherby Infants & Junior School 
(Governor from 08/09/2020) 
Ofsted Inspector
Past Governors

Alex Jackson (Parent)
Appointed: 14/12/21
Resigned: 20/06/23

Skills for Life Trust: Employee
Castle Trust: Company Director
Castle Trust: Trustee April 2021
Cliffe Woods Colts FC: Treasurer
Rochester City FC: Treasurer
Multi Academy Trust Association: Advisory Board Member

1 of 3

Wendy Riddington (Staff)
Appointed: 31/10/21
Resigned/Moved to Deanwood: 26/05/23

None Declared 1 of 2
Debbie Gilbert (Trust Appointed)
Appointed: 24/10/19
Resigned: 04/08/23
None Declared 0 of 3
Rita Brobbey (Staff)
Appointed: 03/10/19
Term of Office not renewed
None Declared 1 of 3
Nicola Birch (Parent)
Appointed: 15/12/21
Resigned: 04/10/23
Foster Carer 1 of 3

Last Updated: 30th January 2024

All correspondence should be directed to :
Chair of Governors c/o Thames View Primary School