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Welcome to Year 4!

Victory Class

Teachers: Mrs Wright
Teaching Assistant: Miss Newman

Enterprise Class

Teacher: Miss Brobbey
Teaching Assistant: Miss Jimenez

Term 3: Glorious Greece 

5 Ways to Enjoy a Trip in Glorious Greece

Our topic this term is Glorious Greece and our big question is "Why do so many people go on holiday to Greece"? 


Our English learning for this term: 


                                                                                                           Charlotte's Web: A Newbery Honor Award Winner : White, E B, DiCamillo,  Kate, Williams, Garth: Amazon.co.uk: Books

Alongside continuing our VIPERS questions work, using non-fiction texts and reading a variety of Greek Myths, we will be starting to read the book ‘Charlottes Web' by E.B.White. Charlotte's Web is a story of friendship, courage, and self-sacrifice. Wilbur is a pig who finds out that he is destined for slaughter. His friend, a spider named Charlotte who lives in the doorway of his pigpen, determines to save him; she accomplishes this by spinning words about him in her web.

Children will be expected to read most nights in the week for at least 10 minutes. Please record how your child has got on with their book in your child's reading record. This might include their understanding of the vocabulary used; how they inferred a character's emotions or actions; or even a prediction made based on what had already been read. All children will have an Accelerated Reader login to complete a quiz at home or in school after completing their book. Please encourage them to do so.



Website for Accelerated Readerhttps://login.renaissance.com/1302daf1-2b52-4df2-9c3c-a4e357d90f80?state=13d5034f-49ae-4584-b400-1dc37143138c


As well as continuing work on spelling and punctuation/grammar skills, we will be writing -






Term 2: Magnificent Mountain

30 most beautiful mountains in the world | Atlas & Boots

 Our topic this term is Magnificent Mountains and our big question is "Why are mountains important"? This term we will be locating and exploring the main mountain ranges of the world and the UK as well as investigating the different ways in which mountains are formed and considering the impact humans are having on mountain environments.

Our English learning for this term: 



Alongside continuing our VIPERS questions work, using non-fiction texts linked to Roman Britain and reading a variety of poetry, we will be continuing to read the book ‘Romans on the Rampage’ by Jeremy Strong. This is a book about a Roman boy called Perilus who dreams of becoming a chariot racer. After, we will be focusing on non-information texts on mountains. 

      Romans on the Rampage Book Review         The most beautiful mountains in the world - Exoticca Blog        

Children will be expected to read most nights in the week for at least 10 minutes. Please record how your child has got on with their book in your child's reading record. This might include their understanding of the vocabulary used; how they inferred a character's emotions or actions; or even a prediction made based on what had already been read. All children will have an Accelerated Reader login to complete a quiz at home or in school after completing their book. Please encourage them to do so.



Website for Accelerated Readerhttps://login.renaissance.com/1302daf1-2b52-4df2-9c3c-a4e357d90f80?state=13d5034f-49ae-4584-b400-1dc37143138c





As well as continuing work on spelling and punctuation/grammar skills, we will be writing -

Setting descriptions (to entertain) – using powerful vocabulary and similes/metaphors to describe a mountain landscape setting;

Diary entries (to inform) – studying the 1953 expedition of Edmund Hillary to be the first to scale Mount Everest and writing diary entries based on the journey;

Explanations (to inform) – explaining how mountains are formed using conjunctions to link ideas and relative clauses to add detail to sentences.    



This term, we will continue to focus on different aspects of number.  We will start by revising how to subtract in columns, using exchanging, then look at how to calculate the area of simple shapes.  Following that, we will move on to multiplication and division, focussing on multiplying/dividing by 3,6, 9, 11 and 12 as well as looking at the effects on a number of multiplying/ dividing by 0 and 1.                


                                                sport icon, rounders icon, bat icon, ball icon, female icon, girl icon, hit  icon        Activity Sport Swim Swimming Water Blue and Red Download and Buy Now web  Widget Card Template 14332436 Vector Art at Vecteezy

Our PE takes place at school on Wednesday mornings. We will build our basic hand-eye skills linked to popular sports, such as hockey. We will be outside as often as possible, so please make sure that your child comes in to school in the correct kit. Please also ensure that long hair is tied back, and that earrings are removed. 

Every Thursday this term, we will walk to the new Cozenton swimming facilities to develop our water skills. Please come dressed in an appropriate swimming costume, with a spare change of clothing, towel and optional goggles in a bag to carry.

Year 4 Long Term Plan Overview - 2024 - 2025


Term 1 : Romans Rule

                                   BBC Radio 4 - In Our Time, Roman Britain                          

Our topic this term is about Roman rule in Britain and our big question is “What did the Romans do for us?” The children will be learning about the Roman invasion and the influence that the Romans have had on British life. We will have a Roman workshop to enhance our learning on this topic.     


                                                sport icon, rounders icon, bat icon, ball icon, female icon, girl icon, hit  icon        Activity Sport Swim Swimming Water Blue and Red Download and Buy Now web  Widget Card Template 14332436 Vector Art at Vecteezy

Our PE takes place at school on Wednesday mornings. We will build our basic hand-eye skills linked to popular sports, such as hockey. We will be outside as often as possible, so please make sure that your child comes in to school in the correct kit. Please also ensure that long hair is tied back, and that earrings are removed. 

Every Thursday this term, we will walk to the new Cozenton swimming facilities to develop our water skills. Please come dressed in an appropriate swimming costume, with a spare change of clothing, towel and optional goggles in a bag to carry.

Our English learning for this term: 


Alongside continuing our VIPERS questions work, using non-fiction texts linked to Roman Britain and reading a variety of poetry, we will be reading the book ‘Romans on the Rampage’ by Jeremy Strong. This is a book about a Roman boy called Perilus who dreams of becoming a chariot racer.

                                                       Romans on the Rampage Book Review


As well as continuing work on spelling and punctuation/grammar skills, we will be writing -

Poetry to entertain – Using ‘The Sound Collector’ by Roger McGough as inspiration, we will write our own ‘collector’ poems, using extended noun phrases to add detail to our ideas.

Speeches to persuade – Having studied Boudicca as part of our Roman Britain topic, we will be writing our versions of speeches she may have made to inspire her tribe in their battle against the Romans

Myths to entertain – We will be writing our own retelling of the story of Romulus and Remus, the legendary founders of Rome.

  The Sound Collector – Can't Hear The Chaos        Romulus and Remus - The Story of the Founding of Rome - Roman Mythology -  See u In History      Boudica: Iron Age Warrior Queen: Hingley, Richard, Unwin, Christina:  9781852854386: Amazon.com: Books


Our Maths topics this term will focus on different aspects of number, starting with place value of numbers up to 4-digit numbers, rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000 then progressing through negative numbers and on to Roman numerals.

Following that, we will use these numbers to revise and move forward with our understanding of addition and subtraction.

Topic Web

Home Learning


Your child’s weekly home learning will consist of:

• Daily reading (to be recorded in Reading Records)

• Times table practice (KS2 use the Times Table Rock Stars website)

• Spellings/Phonics (to be practised at home)


We will celebrate pupil success in completing these tasks both in class and across the school and as such boost the profile of these activities in our school community.


As well as practising the Year 3 and 4 statutory spellings, we investigate the Year 4 spelling curriculum using a variety of resources and strategies.

Spellings will be set on a Friday and tested the following Friday. You all have logins to access Spelling Shed and the term's list of spellings will be sent home copy.



We will be using the Computing Suite to practised to practise your multiplication facts, particularly on Times Tables Rockstars. 

There will be a focus for the Multiplication Times Tables Check but you can do this at home too, using a keyboard if possible,

on TTRS Soundcheck or timestables.co.uk MTC practice page. 

Different Times Table challenges/games will be set weekly on the TT Rockstars website.


With the National Year 4 Multiplication Times tables Check (MTC) a major assessment in Year 4, we will

be focussing on learning our multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12 by heart so keep

 practising at home as well as school, starting by revising those that should already be known by

the end of Year 3.   

There are links on this page to Times Tables Rock Stars as well as other sites we may be

using to practise online.  We are also keen for you to share ideas for practising offline too so,

if you have a method that works for you, let your teacher or TA know so you can teach it to your class!


There is a link for parents to explain more about the MTC below.roun



Trips and Visits

This term, we will take a trip to the Harry Potter World as part of our cultural visits and experience. 

Harry Potter experiences in the UK | VisitBritain


Other Useful Website Links

  • The School Run
  • Duolingo - practise your Spanish or any other language you are interested in!
  • https://www.oddizzi.com/  -   Learn more about all aspects of our world Geography.  Ask your class teacher for our year 4 username and password.