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Welcome to Year 1!


Teacher: Mr Wykes
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Bohan


Teacher: Mrs Kirk
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Nicholson

Term 6 - Oh, we do like to be beside the seaside!

This half term, we will be:

  • developing our place value knowledge within 100, and exploring the concepts of money and time in Maths,
  • writing poems, recount, stories, instructions and information texts in English,
  • exploring materials in Science,
  • using sources to discover more about British seaside history.
  • weaving in Art,
  • creating ice lollies in D&T,
  • discussing growing and changing in PHSE,
  • discovering the celebration of Shabbat in RE,
  • exploring data and information in Computing.

Important Days

  • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - NTP Phonics Group with Mr Wykes - Elstar (for invited children only).
  • Thursday and Friday - NTP Phonics Group with Mr Wykes - Kanzi (for invited children only).
  • Tuesday - Forest School - Kanzi
  • Thursday - Forest School - Elstar
  • Friday - PE - Both classes

On days when Forest School takes place, children should come to school with appropriate clothing with their waterproofs and outdoor shoes in a named bag. As it gets warmer please ensure that your child is still wearing long sleeve tops and trousers.

On days when PE takes place, children should come to school dressed in their PE kit.

Home Learning

Children are expected to:

  • read daily for 10 minutes ensuring that they bring their reading record to school on a daily basis. We will send your child home with a fully decodable book which will be changed every Thursday.

Term Overview

Yearly Overview

How can you support your child? Useful links and Resources


Please ensure you are regularly helping your child to access the online resource below like Hit the Button to support your child to be secure and fluent in using and applying their number, place value, and addition and subtraction knowledge.

Below you will find a variety of useful links and resources that match our learning in class.

Reading & Phonics

Please ensure that your child is reading frequently for at least 10 minutes at a time, each week. Please record what you have been reading and how your child has got on with the book in your child's reading record. Reading records are checked daily.

It is important that your child is reading regularly as this helps them with all their subjects as well as broadening their own vocabulary and knowledge. We encourage your child to read a range of texts, from fictional stories to leaflets to magazines to menus etc. There are opportunities to read all around us. 

Also, ensure that you are regularly accessing the ELS Phonics links below to support your child to develop their phonic knowledge.

Phase 2 Pronunciation Video

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Phase 3 Pronunciation Video

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Phase 5 Pronunciation Video

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Below is a link to a bank of entertaining children's stories from classics to more modern books. 

Youtube - Books Alive


Please ensure that you are regularly accessing using the Year 1 Common Exception Words, which the children are expected to be able to read and spell independently by the END of Year 1. 

Useful Resources

Below you will find some useful resources for each of our subjects including Phonics.