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Welcome to Year 1!


Teacher: Mr Wykes
Teaching Assistant: Miss Harding


Teacher: Mrs Barfoot and Mr Gates
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Nicholson

We are so excited to welcome all the children to Year 1!  We have an exciting and engaging curriculum that we are sure the children will really enjoy.  In Year 1, the children develop so much; we look forward to seeing all the wonderful things they will create, the problems they will solve, the knowledge they learn and the skills they will develop. Have a look at an outline of our year:

Term 1: My Local Area

This Geography centred topic begins with encouraging the children to explore and discover their school environment.  We then cast our focus wider to learn about Rainham and make comparisons to the capital of the United Kingdom: London.  The children learn what amenities are and identify those that are present in the local area.  This learning is supported and enriched by the Science focus: 'Who am I?' in which children learn about their senses and how they can use them to know about the world around them.  Forest School lessons provide a great context for this also.

Term 2: My Family History

This History centred topic begins with the children learning about timelines and chronology.  They then go on to compare schools and technology of today with those of the past before then making a simple family tree.  All of this is framed around the theme of 'Superheroes' as this supports the children in exploring the idea of who are important and special people to us.  The learning is enriched by links to all the other subject areas, most obviously the Design Technology lessons in which the children design and make a superhero vehicle.

Year 1 Long-Term Plan Overview 2024-25



In Year 1, there is a particular focus on Phonics.  The children have a daily Phonics lesson that follows the ELS scheme of learning.  Additionally, the children have a Reading lesson that is organised into a carousel of activities (reading with an adult, reading for pleasure, Phonics games).  Children read with an adult regularly (minimum: twice a week) and also enjoy daily story times where the teacher reads to the class.


We focus upon core writing skills of letter formation, spacing and sizing that build upon on the learning in Reception.  In Year 1, the children will experience a range of text types, including stories, letters, diaries and information texts.  We use books and stories to stimuate and hook the children into what we are learning, for example 'Funny Bones', 'Traction Man' and many others.


We follow the White Rose Maths guidance and use their materials.  Children have a daily Maths lesson and in the afternoon a Mastering Number lesson.  A key focus for us is ensuring that the children are secure in their understanding of number, their number bonds and ability to use them efficiently.  In addition to the White Rose Maths curriculum, we draw upon materials from the NCETM and other websites approved by them.  We ensure that pupils have access to a range of practical and physical resources to aid the children in their learning.


Year 1 have their PE lessons on Tuesdays.  They should wear their PE kit to school on that day.

Forest School

Kanzi class (Mrs Barfoot / Mr Gates) - MONDAYS

Elstar class (Mr Wykes) - WEDNESDAYS

On days when Forest School takes place, children should come to school with appropriate clothing with their waterproofs and outdoor shoes in a named bag. As it gets warmer please ensure that your child is still wearing long sleeve tops and trousers.

On days when PE takes place, children should come to school dressed in their PE kit.

Home Learning

Children are expected to:

  • read daily for 10 minutes ensuring that they bring their reading record to school on a daily basis. We will send your child home with a fully decodable book which will be changed every Thursday.

Trips and Visits

In Term 3, the children will visit the Greenwich Planetarium.  This supports and aligns with the topic for that term: The Space Race.

In Term 6, the children will visit the beach as part of their topic learning theme: The Seaside.

Useful links and Resources


Please ensure you are regularly helping your child to access the online resource below like Hit the Button to support your child to be secure and fluent in using and applying their number, place value, and addition and subtraction knowledge.

Below you will find a variety of useful links and resources that match our learning in class.

Reading & Phonics

Please ensure that your child is reading frequently for at least 10 minutes at a time, each week. Please record what you have been reading and how your child has got on with the book in your child's reading record. Reading records are checked daily.

It is important that your child is reading regularly as this helps them with all their subjects as well as broadening their own vocabulary and knowledge. We encourage your child to read a range of texts, from fictional stories to leaflets to magazines to menus etc. There are opportunities to read all around us. 

Also, ensure that you are regularly accessing the ELS Phonics links below to support your child to develop their phonic knowledge.

Phase 2 Pronunciation Video

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Phase 3 Pronunciation Video

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Phase 5 Pronunciation Video

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Below is a link to a bank of entertaining children's stories from classics to more modern books. 

Youtube - Books Alive


Please ensure that you are regularly accessing using the Year 1 Common Exception Words, which the children are expected to be able to read and spell independently by the END of Year 1. 

Useful Resources

Below you will find some useful resources for each of our subjects including Phonics.