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Our Thames View curriculum is enriched and enhanced by a diverse range of trips and visitors.  These experiences are designed to develop the pupils' understanding of the topics they are learning and the world around them.  They also help to make positive memories, building teamwork and community at the same time.  Our trips are organised into two types: Curriculum and Cultural.

Curriculum Trips

These trips are closely aligned to the Thames View Curriculum plan and are intended to directly support and enrich the learning that is happening in the classroom in that term.  Curriculum Trips are sometimes planned as a great way for a topic to be launched or instead used as a focal point for the end of a unit that the pupils to work toward.  Alternatively, the trip might serve to support and contextualise a particular lesson in the middle of a learning sequence.

Cultural Trips

These trips are not directly linked to the Curriculum plan but serve instead as opportunities for children to have experiences that they may not otherwise have had.  Cultural trips are intended as a means for pupils to enjoy community with their peers and experience the world around them as a team.  We intend for these trips to help pupils expand their cultural horizons and spark pupils' interest in new things.