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Welcome to Year 4!

Victory Class

Teachers: Mrs Broad
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Newman

Enterprise Class

Teacher: Miss Bradshaw
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Silvester

Term 6 : The Anglo Saxons

Anglo-Saxons aren't real, Cambridge ...




Term 6 Topic: 'The Anglo Saxons' – How did the Anglo Saxons Change Britain?

In term 6, we are studying the topic: “The Anglko Saxons” – How did the Anglo Saxons Change Britain?  The children will be building on their knowledge of invaders and settlers in Britain. We will be considering what made the Anglo-Saxons invade and stay in our country and how they affected life here then and nowadays. 

We will also be exploring some exciting texts. The Iron Man will be used for our reading lessons and in English we will be exploring the poetry book Beowolf.

        The Iron Man: A Story in Five Nights                                      Usborne Young Reading: Beowulf (Series 3) - Scholastic Shop

In DT, linking to History, we will be creating some Anglo-Saxon bags using sewing and plaiting techniques and attaching our own pieces of decorative weaving.  We will also look at the beautiful illuminated lettering often used by monks in their writings.

In our Science work this term, we focus on being scientists and the skills we need to apply.  As well as our habitats explorations on our visit to Shorne Country Park, we will be investigating the structure of bridges in our Big Build topic.  We will develop our planning, observing, measuring, recording and resource managing skills as we find out what makes the strongest structures.

It will certainly be a fun, learning-filled last term of the school year!  









Home Learning


Your child’s weekly home learning will consist of:

• Daily reading (to be recorded in Reading Records)

• Times table practice (KS2 use the Times Table Rock Stars website)

• Spellings/Phonics (using the Spelling Shed website)


We will celebrate pupil success in completing these tasks both in class and across the school and as such boost the profile of these activities in our school community.


As well as practising the Year 3 and 4 statutory spellings, we investigate the Year 4 spelling curriculum using a variety of resources and strategies including Spelling Shed, which you can access at home too.  

Spellings will be set on a Friday and tested the following Friday. You all have logins to access Spelling Shed and the term's list of spellings will be sent home copy.



We will be using the Computing Suite to practised to practise your multiplication facts, particularly on Times Tables Rockstars.  There will be a focus for the Multiplication Times Tables Check but you can do this at home too, using a keyboard if possible, on TTRS Soundcheck or timestables.co.uk MTC practice page. 

Different Times Table challenges/games will be set weekly on the TT Rockstars website.


With the national Year 4 Multiplication Times tables Check (MTC) a major assessment in Year 4, we will

be focussing on learning our multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12 by heart so keep

 practising at home as well as school, starting by revising those that should already be known by

the end of Year 3.   

There are links on this page to Times Tables Rock Stars as well as other sites we may be

using to practise online.  We are also keen for you to share ideas for practising offline too so,

if you have a method that works for you, let your teacher or TA know so you can teach it to your class!


There is a link for parents to explain more about the MTC below.roun





     sport icon, rounders icon, bat icon, ball icon, female icon, girl icon, hit  icon      File:Netball pictogram.svg - Wikipedia       

This year your P.E. sessions are on Mondays and Thursdays 
and this term we will be practising and improving our yoga and handball skills!

It is imperative that you all have appropriate clothing for outdoor PE.  You should come to school wearing your kit.  In line with our P.E. policy (see the curriculum pages), you are not allowed to wear jewellery or watches and must have hair of shoulder length or longer safely secured with an appropriate hair tie.  You must remove earrings yourselves and it would be helpful to bring a small container/bag/envelope to store them in during the lessons if necessary.

As the weather hopefully gets warmer and pollen increases, you may need to take hay fever medication and to apply sun lotion / wear a hat as we will be outside all afternoon as well as ensuring you have a fresh bottle of water with you every day.


Other Useful Website Links
  • The School Run
  • Duolingo - practise your Spanish or any other language you are interested in!
  • https://www.oddizzi.com/  -   Learn more about all aspects of our world Geography.  Ask your class teacher for our year 4 username and password.