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Thames View Primary believes in an 'open door' policy. Parents are encouraged to be as involved as they wish in the life of the school.

The school has a PTA which holds regular fundraising events to raise money. We raise money for the school to purchase larger equipment or activities to enhance the educational provision on offer. We hold sponsored events, raffles, discos, etc. Meetings and events are advertised in advance, so please come along and join us! Offers of help to run events are always appreciated.

The school is part of the wider community and seeks actively to develop links within it. Periodically, visitors from local religious and voluntary groups as well as other speakers will be invited to join us for assemblies. Children are encouraged to care for the environment both in school and in the wider community. We ask parents to support us in this.

Children and staff are encouraged to take responsibility for promoting sustainability throughout the schools in promoting recycling, energy and water conservation, promoting our travel plan, etc. and generally creating an ethos that takes account of our responsibility to protect our world.