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Our Intent

Our vision for Design Technology at Thames View Primary School is to provide our children with exciting and engaging opportunities to design, make and evaluate products. We set out to give our children diverse experiences working with different tools, equipment and resources. We seek to develop our children’s critical thinking skills in planning, creating and evaluating their work with a clear audience/customer/purpose in mind.

Design Technology has natural links to many other subjects and through their DT learning children are able to use and apply mathematics, art and (of course) science. Design Technology also includes the designing, making and evaluating of different foods. We offer a range of learning experience to our pupils in this area across their time here at Thames View Primary. Our children gain an understanding of how food is grown and produced, as well as develop their skills in food preparation.

Design Technology - Skills and Knowledge

The skills and knowledge that the children learn are organised into four different areas:

1. Developing, planning and communicating ideas

2. Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products

3. Evaluating processes and products

4. Food and Nutrition

Design Technology Overview

Our Learning

Year R


Year 1

Term 2 - Superhero Masks

In Term 2, Year 1 created Superhero Masks focussing on exploring different ways to join materials. They explored existing products, created a product criteria, learnt new skills, executed their final design and then evaluated the effectiveness of the product.

Year 2











Year 3


Year 4


Year 5




Year 6